
Designing and Defining "Health" in Public Housing

Rethinking Health in Public Housing:
Research, Synthesis & Opportunities

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The Design Institute for Health was asked collaborate with CommUnity Care and HACA to rethink and redesign a health and wellness center on site of the oldest public housing site in the country. We wanted to rethink what the residents at Chalmers Courts truly needed, instead of assuming they only needed medical and dental care.

This project is planned to continue in 2021.

*Due to the confidentiality of those we interviewed, the workshops and other content cannot be pictured on this page.


Date: 2019 -

Project Background: Chalmers Courts was grant

Design: Visual identity, presentation design, workshop design & facilitation, illustration

Role: Second Chair Design Researcher, Photographer, Visual Designer, helped facilitate workshops
Team: Kijana-Knight Torres (Design Researcher), Lindsey Mosby (Design Researcher & Project Lead)



Along with being a part of the research itself, I created research tools for interviews, workshop share-outs, and opportunity cards for stakeholders.

My goal was to share the resident’s stories in a personal way to create the most impact for the people that would be the final decision makers in this project.


Contextual Inquiry Research, Tools, & Synthesis

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Research Synthesis and Share-Out


Chalmers Research Share-Out with Stakeholders



Turning Insights into Opportunities

Presented to Stakeholders to determine which have high impact vs. low impact, and high effort vs. low effort (matrix).


Opportunity Prioritization for High Impact with Stakeholders

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We worked with CommUnity Care to sort out the opportunities we had over three sessions with stakeholders in different departments of the company, and then went back to share out patterns we saw. At that time, we narrowed in on the opportunities with the most potential for high impact, and asked them to go over what potential hurdles and benefits each opportunity could bring to the table.

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